Longitude is a new paid App from RockYouriPhone that integrates Google’s latitude service into an auto-updating, geo-locating app for your Jail Broken iPhone. If you already use latitude on your device, this may be an easy way to let all your contacts know where you are at all times. It can also be an affordable alternative to a MobileMe subscription, if you only use MobileMe for the find my iPhone feature.If you misplace, lose, or get your iPhone stolen, just log into Google latitude and you’ll see where that iPhone has gotten off to.
Other uses for you conspiracy theorist could be to secretly put it on someones iPhone to track them like a stalker. Or maybe help Google use your device to keep track of all the iPhones in the world. Remember “Big Brother” is always watching. ( murda said this before i even explained the app. I just told him the name of the app, and bang… i got this answer )
Longitude is dead simple to set up. If you don’t already have the RockApp, you can install it from BlackRa1n, Cydia, or from the Rockyouriphone app on your computer. You can also just search Longitude in Cydia, and when you install it, it will also add RockApp. You will then need a Rock ID (all of this could be the downfall of anyone even trying this out). One thing that I do like about the Apps from Rock is that you always get a free trial period. But lets get back to Longitude.
Once installed just run the app, there’s a good set of directions on the about screen, but it pretty much just says ” Add the latitude gadget to your iGoogle, then sign in.” It even sends your Google credentials over a secure connection, straight to Google, not through a 3rd party.From there, just log into Google from any computer with an internet connection and go to your iGoogle page, and see where your iPhone is visiting. Told you, simple. One nice thing is that there is also a toggle to turn the service off. Which I really like. Maybe they could make that easier to access, or maybe a SBSetting’s toggle. From there, just log into Google from any computer with an internet connection and go to your iGoogle page, and see where your iPhone is visiting.
All in all this App does exactly what is was made to do. No fluff or pomp. The only real deal breaker I can for see is that its a RockApp and may be off putting for most. At least until Rock becomes a more used alternative.
Remember, this is pretty much real time tracking. Anyone that can get into your Google account will effectively be able to track your every move. So in this generation of” locate mania”, always proceed with caution. BigBrother is watching…