IceFilms: XBMC Plugin For AppleTV 2 To Stream Full Movies And TV Shows via MegaUpload

New day, new XBMC plugin for the AppleTV 2: IceFilms. This plugin will allow you to access MegaUpload from your AppleTV and stream tons of movies and TV shows.

1. Download this zip file ( make sure to leave it as a .zip file )

2. Jailbreak, and install XBMC… the easiest way is through NitoTV ( free )

3. Once NitoTV is installed, use it to install XBMC. From there, you have to upload the zip file to your AppleTV. Use either an AFC2 app or openSSH to make an SFTP connection to the AppleTV’s IP address (find it in the ATV’s settings), username ‘root’ password ‘alpine’ (which is the default for ATV). The .zip files goes in the/private/var/mobile/Media folder. Once there, launch XBMC on your ATV, go to settings, Addons Manager, and select the Install from zip file (it’s in there somewhere…easy to find).

4. Once you’re done, just install IceFilms ( and anything else you like – not necessarily working though ) and that’s it…

Updating the repo/addon

Updates are pushed out via the repo. Users should be notified in XBMC when there are new updates.If you know there is an update but the repo is listing an older version, you are most likely having an issue on your end.

To fix this, you have 2 options:

  1. Reinstall the add-on
  2. Reinstall the repo and addon (start over)

When you first install the addon, you will be prompted to download the metadata container. This file is a 230 mb zip that will serve as the source of the movie information and poster images. Metadata is not scraped via the normal routines as it would take forever each time you loaded the addon. It was designed this way as a system work around to long waits.

Known Bugs

  • A script error may prevent you from viewing certain subfolders (e.g., popular, recently added, etc.) – current fix is to go to Addon Settings and deselect Enable Metadata.
  • A script error may prevent you from viewing specific movie sources (e.g., Black Swan and King’s Speech) – no workaround.
  • Certain files prompt you to enter a captcha – Entering the words in the image correctly will allow to continue as normal.
  • Buffering – XBMC has a limited cache. Kill streams or try other sources.
  • ATV2 720p stutter – Possibly a hardware issue when streaming; however, downloading the file locally and playing may work.

For more info, read here…