When the iPhone 3Gs was released it had 3 new features that were only available for the 3Gs: video recording, voice control and the compass. They said they couldn’t bring this features on the 2G/3G because of some chips and all sorts of made up stuff. In reality they wanted to make the existing customers and the new customers to buy the new device.
Since then we ( by we, i mean the community ) found a way to save the videos shot with cycorder/videorecorder for 3G in the photos.app and watch them and even copy-paste them into an email. In this article you will find out how to get Voice Controll . Compass anyone? I would really love those augmented reality apps on my 3G… but i dont think thats possible since the compass involves the magnetometer.
How to get Voice Control on iPhone 2G/3G:
NOTE: You can also use this with the iTouch for your music library, but you will have to get a iPhone headset with a mic on the cord ( or any hands free headset )
- Download VoiceControl and unpack it. You will have a folder called “Voice Control” and inside that folder you will have “Voice Control.app”. “Voice Control.app” is all you need.
- SSH into your iDevice and go to /var/stash/applications
- Copy “Voice Control.app” and make sure the permissions are 755
- Respring your iDevice
- You will see a new icon called Voice Control on your Springboard
- Load Cydia and install AppFlow
- Load AppFlow and scroll down until you see Voice Control. Tap on it and “Assign To Double tap”
- Try your Voice Control by double tap your home button / double tap on the app icon. If your contact list have murdaFSM, uou can say “murdaFSM” then you’ll see the screen switch to murdaFSM contact and you can say “Home” to call home, “Mobile to call mobile etc…
NOTE: you can use SBSettings to hide AppFlow and Voice Control from your SpringBoard.
Other voice commands you might find useful:
- Switch to Contact
- Switch to iPod
- Switch to Bookmarks
- Go Back
- Try Again