Got a hacktivated iPhone? Missing out on push notifications for those IM apps? We may have found a solution.Head on over Phone Push Fix. They seem to have found a fix for all hactivated(as in no official contract) iPhones to receive push notifications. By creating a signed certificate thats uniquie for your device, you too may be able to get Push again.
This is from their site:
If you have activated your iPhone (original,3G,3G S) without going through iTunes (i.e. Hacktivated) and are running OS 3.x, then your push functionality is not working. The existing fixes didn’t work because there was only one certificate that many people were sharing. Every device needs a unique 1024 bit certificate. The certificate does not contain any information about your device, so I can provide certificates without any information from your phone.
How is this different from existing “fixes”The existing fixes all use the same key, so they only work as long as you are the last one registered on the push servers with that key. That’s why the fix only works for a few minutes, if that long. A public fix will not be possible. My fix works because you will get a unique PRIVATE 1024-bit key for your device.
Seems like a pretty straight forward install but defiantly not a push one button plug and play sort of thing.Lots of info on their site. Give it a read.So far this is still in beta testing so there is no purchase available yet.But as with anything…be sure of what you’re spending your hard earned money on.
The developer says “I need 10-20 people to send me an email so I can send them individual keys/certs and prove that they are unique. After you verify it works, please come back here and reply. You can have any model iPhone, as long as your push notifications do not work right now.”
They have set up support forums here. So far no action on them…but its still very new.
This could be a big thing for all those people that have iPhones and don’t want to, or can not sign up for an official carrier.