Change Labels Like “Slide to Unlock” on Your iPhone

  • SSH to /System/Library/CoreServices/
  • Copy SpringBoard.strings to your computer and rename it to SpringBoard.plist
  • Look for string AWAY_LOCK_LABEL
  • Chnage that to what ever you like ( i suggest FSMdotCOM 😛 ) ( NOTE : change only the string , dont change the key )
  • Rename the file back to SpringBoard.strings
  • Copy the new edited file back to /System/Library/CoreServices/
  • Reboot your device



<string>slide to unlock</string> <—- CHANGE ONLY THAT


NOTE 1 :

ALWAYS BACKUP the files that you are editing

NOTE 2 :

This is an example on how to change the slide to unlock label. But you can do this with any label you like. Just be careful and more importantly have fun