Posted inVIDEO

First Look At OS X Mountain Lion [video]

OS X Mountain Lion is the latest release of the world’s most advanced desktop operating system. Mountain Lion includes over 200 new features to update your Mac into the best computing experience yet.

Posted inNEWS

Apple Drops OS X Mountain Lion [video]

OS X Mountain Lion is the latest release of the world’s most advanced desktop operating system. Mountain Lion includes over 200 new features to update your Mac into the best computing experience yet.

Posted inVIDEO

OS X Mountain Lion [video]

Apple is updating their operating system to Mountain Lion next month, and it makes the Mac, iPad and iPhone work even better together.

Posted inHOWTO

HOW TO: Access OS X Mavericks’ Hidden Wallpapers

With OS X Mountain Lion, Apple introduced a series of beautiful new screen savers which, with a little bit of digging, you could also use as wallpapers – by uncovering the hi-res images used by those screen savers. Well, it turns out you can do the same thing in OS X Mavericks.

Posted inNEWS

Apple Releases OSX 10.9 Mavericks As A Free Download

During today’s keynote, Apple has announced the latest version of OS X, 10.9 Mavericks, which will be available as a free download ( yes, you read that right. The latest OS X will be FREE to download – 10.8 Mountain Lion was priced at $19.99, 10.7 Lion was $29.99 )