Update: Stacks V3 Alpha. Now With More Stacks.

Developer Steven Troughton-Smith has gone and released a new update for his Stacks app version 3. This update is available for all those folks that have contributed to him.  Remember this is considered an alpha so as usual, use at your own risk. It should go without saying but, you will need a jailbroken device running at least 3.0 to be able to use the newest version of Stacks

StacksV3 has implemented a few changes, most noticably the addition of multiple stacks (4 is default). I’m guessing he’ll make it able to add as many as you want later.

• Dimming of screen when opening a Stack
• Reflective Dock support
• Support for iTunes 9’s App Management
• Stack Update Notifications (notification when there’s a new version available)
• New Grid View animations (temporary)
• Stacks are findable/openable using Spotlight
• Badge Support – currently disabled while I try and fix some issues.

Using multiple stacks is as straight forward as before when there was only one stack. Just add your items and you can even rename those stacks as you see fit. It will install 4 stacks as default, but if you need more just follow along.

To add more Stacks

1.You need to get access to your iDevice root folders (SSH or I use DiskAid) and find the folder /Application

2. Copy one of the Stack*.app folders to your desktop and rename it to the next available stack. If you’re doing this for the first time, it would be Stack5.app.

3. Inside the folder, find the file Info.plist and edit it. If you’re on a MAC use a plist editor, and if you’re on Windows convert it through the terminal using the command
after downloading Erica Utilities, then use a text editor.

4. Inside the file, find the Application ID, in this case com.steventroughtonsmith.stackdummy*. Replace the * with whatever number you used in the folder’s name.

5. Re-insert the new Stack*.app folder into /Application and respring. You can
do this as many times as you wish…

To remove a stack just delete the stack.app number that you want to remove.

To get in on this new build, you’ll need to donate, or maybe search the web for a more nefarious way. That’s on you. It is a .deb file, so you will need to install using terminal. Read how to that here.

You can read some from the stack support forum here