Everyday we provide you with news and info about the various tweaks that Cydia has to offer so you can make an informed decision when picking the ones that will bring value to your device. Everybody has different needs when it comes to iOS devices. Some of you might go for UI redesign while some of you might want to add extra functionality to iOS.
But when it comes to the must-have Cydia tweaks, you can’t help wondering what tweaks does Jay Freeman aka Saurik ( creator of Cydia ) have installed on his device? Well wonder no more, because Riley Collins asked this question on reddit and Saurik replied.
Jump over the break to check out a list of tweaks that Saurik currently has installed on his device. You’ll be surprise…
- Cydget (PhotoExample, CyDialer)
- Cyntact
- Cyueue
- Veency
- FiveIconDock
- WinterBoard (None)
- RingerXVIP
- VoicemailForwarder
- SafariDownloadManager
- Barrel(Roll-Away)
- Activator(VolumeHUDTap = iWhiteboard
- VolumeBothUp/Down = SpringFlash
- StatusSwipe = SBSettings(SeriousSBSettingsHD))
- Bars
- CallBar
- DietBar
- DietBulletin
- f.lux
- FlashyStatus
- FolderCloser
- GlyphPatch
- Graviboard
- HarlemShake
- LowPowerBanner
- MarkThatMessage
- NoCoverFlow
- NoNewsIsGoodNews
- OpenNotifier(Messages)
- PasswordPilotPro
- SleeptoLock
- SwitcherMod
- Tab+
- TetherStatus
- TypeStatus
- TypingPrivacy
- YourTube
- 3GUnrestrictor
Looking at the list above, it appears that Saurik is still running iOS 6. And he does:
I am not certain what to do about iOS 7. Apple ruined the web browser by adding the “scroll up for navbar” feature: it is horribly distracting and entirely useless. I could just remove it, but they also bring up a solid bar now with the back button… :(. On iOS 6 they simply nailed it: the HUD was entirely gone except for a few transparent buttons that were always present; I seriously now do most of my browsing on my iPhone (I’m typing this response on my iPhone, in fact), but I simply can’t use iOS 7 Safari. When I have time I might try to do some major surgery to “fix it”, but until then I am on iOS 6. (That said, I also rely on a ton of these extensions, and only very recently have some of them been ported. iOS 7 also screwed up the address book, and they use colors everywhere like red… red means “this is dangerous or is an error”, not “edit my alarm”. I’m just distraught.)