IBNweather: Get Weather Condition On Your iPhone/iTouch Springboard

New day, new tweak in Cydia: IBNweather. IBNweather is an iPhone/iTouch graphic tweak developed by ibnyaffa from MacCity , that will show the weather condition directly on the SpringBoard.Needs to be activated via Winterboard and also needs a some blanks icon, in order to achieve the best effect.

How to do it:

1. Get iBlank and IBNweather from Cydia

2. Load iBlank and create blank icons. You will need 2 blank icons per page. So if you have 5 pages, you will need 10 blank icons and so on…

3. Tap and hold on any icon to see the blank icons. Now take two blank icons and place them as the second and third icon in the first row on each page. To make it even easier for you, you might want to do this with MultiIconMover.

4. Now load Winterboard and activate IBNweather.

5. Enjoy