HOW TO: Use Greenpois0n To Jailbreak The Verizon iPhone 4

Chronic DevTeam just updated greenpois0n to RC5_b4 which fixes a few bug leftovers and adds compatibility for the CMDA Verizon iPhone 4 running iOS 4.2.6. Take a look after the jump, to learn how to use the tool…

NOTE: the process is identical on both platforms.

1. Download greenpois0n

  • Mac: greenpois0n ( mirror download )
  • Windows: greenpois0n ( mirror download )

2. Connect your iPhone and load greenpois0n

3. Click on Jailbreka and follow the instructions on the screen to put your iOS in recovery mode

4. Once in recovery mode, an automated process will start and will jailbreak your device.

5. After the jailbreak is done, you will have a new application on your springboard called Loader. Use it to install Cydia, then it will ask you if you want to remove it. You can, or you can keep it for nostalgia. A quick re-spring, and you now have Cydia. You know what to do next.

6. Enjoy

ALSO READ HOW TO: Use GreenPois0n To Untethered Jailbreak iOS 4.2.1 [Mac]
ALSO READ HOW TO: Use GreenPois0n To Untethered Jailbreak iOS 4.2.1 [Windows]
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