The great people behind the first iOS jailbreak convention, MyGreatFest,have just upped their game again. They have gotten p0sixninja on board.
If you’re into the iOS jailbreak scene, you of course have heard of p0sixninja and his work with the Chronic Dev team. Heck, I’m sure you have probably even use one of the Chronic Dev tools, such as Greenpois0n or the tethered boot tool for booting a tethered jail broken device.
Well, here’s your chance to meet him. p0sixninja, aka Josh Hill, has agreed to head across the pond and share some of his secrets and give a talk at the MyGreatFest convention. But he’s gonna need a little help to get there. So the kind folks at the MyGreatFest have set up a donation page, and leader board, to drum up some funds to help Josh attend and ease the hit to his pockets.
So, head on over to and check it out. Give what you can, whether it’s a donation or just help spread the word.
If the UK MyGreatFest is successful, it will be heading to the States in 2012 so let’s help them out in any way we can.