Google Analytics Finally Arrives For iPhone and iPod Touch

I was waiting for this for a loong looong time. Finally Michael Jensen decided to create such an application for this wonderful device. If you are a blogger, or a website owner, or basically you got anything going own on the www. , than i can place a safe bet that you are obsessed with this word ” analytics ” . I was until like 2 months ago. I was checking my stats every hour. Until i realized that, it was useless to do so.

That doesnt mean, that i stopped checking my analytics. Not at all, but now i calculate every move i make in this world. Anyway, this post is not about me teaching you how to blog. So let’s get back to the main subject. GOOGLE ANALYTICS ON MY ( and yours ) iPhone !!!!!!! I was really surprised when I’ve stumbled upon Analytics

When you first load the app , it will ask you to insert the email address and the password that you use to login into your Google Analytics account. This is usually your gmail address and password. Once you are logged in, you step into the wonderful world of analytics, but now, this world is ON THE GO.

Continuing this post is useless. If you are interested in something like this, and you are reading this post, that means that my writing journey for this post stops here. I don’t need to explain any further what is analytics, what you can do with it and so on.

I will attach screenshots of this app below, and you can click on them to enlarge the pic and see what this app can offer you.