The U.S. Copyright Office Posts 600+ Pro and Anti Jailbreaking Comments

The EFF’s efforts for keeping jailbreaking legal  are definitely not passing by unnoticed. The U.S. Copyright Office has posted 660+ comments, both for and against extending the exception allowing the “jailbreaking” of smartphones. The EFF is also pushing this year for gaming consoles to join the exception.

The list of commenters includes consumers, corporations, and high profile names such as Sony, Mozzila, and Saurik. The big absent from this list is Apple.

On Friday, February 10, the Copyright Office received approximately 700 comments on the classes of works proposed for exemption from the prohibition on circumvention of technological measure that control access. Links to most of those comments appear below, and links to the remainder should appear by the end of this week (i.e., by Feb. 17, 2011). The Office is also in the process of identifying, for each comment, which proposed class(es) of works is addressed.

Check out the comments here…
