Posted inHOWTO

i0n1c Releases Cyberelevat0r iOS 7.1.1 Jailbreak Video

First i0n1c and winocm unveiled that they both have a working iOS 7.1.1 jailbreak. Then, two researches of the Georgia Tech Information Security Center ( GTISC ) released a video of their own iOS 7.1.1 jaibreak. So, we have three privately owned iOS 7.1.1 jailbreaks.

Posted inHOWTO

How To Install iOS 7.1 Calendar App On iOS 7.0.x

With iOS 7.1, Apple has updated the with a new split view as you can see in the screenshot above. Luckily, jailbreakers can benefit of the new UI without having to update to the new iOS and loosing the ability to jailbreak.