You got an iPhone 3Gs, and you are stuck on OS 3.1.3 and Baseband 05.11.07 ( NOT 05.12.01 ) ? Well, MSFTGuy and Push Fix dev managed to fix Blacksn0w and firmware 3.1.3 and released a modified version of BlackSn0w that will add support for iPhones running 3.1.3/ baseband 05.11.07 and, it also fixes a small bug that appears to make WiFi much more stable.
You can wait for the package to be officially released in Cydia or you can add this repo to beta test it: . The package is still in beta and it still has some bugs. If you fake your way to 3.1.3 and you install the 3.1.3 version of blacksn0w RC2 with 3.1.2 CommCenter, your cell and WiFi connections could be unresponsive until you either uninstalled the package again via Cydia or restored your iPhone.
This patch is for baseband 05.11.07 ONLY. If you updated to 3.1.3 using a stock firmware, you updated your baseband to 05.12.01 and none of the unlocking tools are compatible with the new baseband.
The patch was tested with iPhone 3Gs only. Test , before you install it permanently….