In the past, we showed you a great metallic mod for your iPhone 4, a PwnApple metallic mod, and even though Apple is trying to put iPhone modders on lockdown with Pentalobular screws, today we got an even better mod. An enterprising iPhone user got his hands on a clear case mod kit for the iPhone 4, (Google translation) put it together and posted the fantastic results online.
Later edit: we were so blown away about this mod, that we forgot to tell you two things:
1. if anybody knows where to get something like this drop us an email ASAP
2. if you get your hands on this mod, we would suggest you don’t change your front glass too, just the back. Chances are it will mess up your proximity sensor. For instance, on the white front glass mod, you would have to take a black marker and darken *that* area.
See more pics after the jump…
Later edit: thanks for your massive response – apparently if you want a transparent iPhone 4 all you need to do is to use paint thinner to get the black paint off the glass (which can ruin the light sensor from the camera )
[via TUAW]