Saurik Posts Tips On How To Upgrade To And Jailbreak iOS5

To help us understand what we’re getting by upgrading to iOS5 and tether jailbreak our devices , Saurik updates Cydia with tips on how to upgrade to and jailbreak iOS5.  Check out the tips after the break…

Jailbreaking: After upgrading (which un-jailbreaks your device), you can use redsn0w beta to do a tethered jailbreak of iOS 5.0 on devices except iPad 2 and iPhone 4S. Consider waiting to upgrade especially if your current jailbreak is untethered.

Cydia: Some products have been updated to work on iOS 5, but not many of them yet. Check product pages for information, and/or follow developers and themers on Twitter for status updates on their work. You might want to wait to upgrade until your favorite products are updated.

Upgrading: Most people can use the standard iTunes upgrade process to upgrade their devices to 5.0. (It’s OK to use a backup from a jailbroken device to restore on a normal device.) If your device is carrier-unlocked with ultrasn0w, you need to read the Dev Team’s post on ultrasn0w for iOS 5.

Errors: If you encounter a 3194 error while upgrading, you probably need to fix your hosts file. If you’ve used TinyUmbrella: open it, look under “Advanced”, and make sure “set hosts to Cydia on exit” is unchecked.

Cydia Store: You can always sign in with “Manage Account” (on the Cydia homepage) to get access to your previously-purchased Cydia products.