Remember when Cydia AppStore was released, that i said: “To be honest i dont like to see themes and ringtones in the appstore” ? Well my worst nightmare just became reality. I really really hate this. If its not enough that Apple’s AppStore is full of BS apps that you have to pay for, now our beloved Cydia sells themes. Themes!?!?! Really?!?!? Saurik, cmon dude….
There are like 20some themes available in Cydia right now and you can buy them for $0.99. They are full themes ( springboard, lockscreen, sounds, etc ) , like you could find plenty in Cydia until now, but this time you have to pay for them. You know the old saying: “dont hate the player, hate the game!” ? Well , right now i really hate the player.
For some reason, the themes are not visible in the appstore tab, but you can recognize any paid app and now themes in the changes tab, because they got a different color: dark blue.(rest of the apps are black.) You know i wasnt a big theme fan before, because most of them are horrible. This move will definitely not make me a fan of them , no matter how they look.
But i cant let my emotions get in the way. BigBoss created a lot of wonderful things for our iPhones and iTouches for FREE. If this is the best way to monetize at the moment i can only wish them luck.