Multifl0w Update: iPhone Multitasking Now With Preferences

A couple of days ago we told you about Multifl0w, the iPhone multitasking interface which displays apps that are running in the background and you can scroll left and right for quick switching.

Multifl0w 1.1 comes with a couple of bug fixes but it also brings a new icon on the SpringBoard: Multifl0wPrefs. The prefs pane will let you blacklist apps that you don’t want to multitask and also will let you choose how do you want to access multitasking. So far you could access it by double tapping the Home button. Now you can choose single tap, double tap or press and hold the home button , you can choose to access multitasking by pressing and holding the power button or choose no button. If you choose no button you will access multitasking with an external toggle or it will be off. I didn’t see any toggle for it in Cydia, so my guess is that for now, the multitasking will be off , if you choose no button.