Do you remember the OWLE bubo? Well we talked about it back in July, when everybody was going crazy over Qik for iPhone. Well the guys finally released their baby for the first time in a retail “hands on” environment at the Wired Store in NYC ( which btw , It’s open from noon to 8pm Wednesdays through Fridays and 11am to 7pm Saturdays and Sundays from November 21 through December 28 in NYC ) and they got into a little bit of trouble in the last 10 minutes of the launch party: somebody decided do a little bit of magic with their brand new 32 gigs iPhone equipped with an OWLE bubo. Yeah, somebody stole it.
Now wantOWLE guys, decided to pull a prank instead of getting mad. Now guess what you get when you combine some super glue and a dummy iPhone laying around on the street in front of the Apple store in Manhattan…
The guys want to pull this kind of pranks over and over again. If you have an awesome idea for a video shot on an iPhone and OWLE bubo, you can dend them to Epic ideas shall be rewarded with sweet hardware.
Also, if you are interested where you can get those dummy iPhones, you can buy them for $19.95 from