iDon’t Do What Droid Does

It seems that the negotiations between Apple and Verizon are finalized and the iPhone will stay under the guardianship of AT&T. Verizon on the other hand didn’t just wait for things to happen and they reacted not just against the iPhone but also against AT&T , with two new ads.

As you can see, the first ads points out everything that the iPhone still can’t do:

  • iDon’t have a real keyboard
  • iDon’t run simultaneous apps
  • iDon’t take 5-megapixel pictures
  • iDon’t customize.
  • iDon’t run widgets.
  • IDon’t allow open development.
  • iDon’t take pictures in the dark.
  • iDon’t have interchangeable batteries.

Verizon is going through all this trouble, so they can promote the Motorola Droid smartphone that will ship in November from Verizon Wireless. As the name says “Droid” , the new motorola smart phone will mount the Google Android OS.

The second ad is called “There’s A Map For That” which reminds us of Apple’s commercials “There’s An App For That” . The ads displays maps where we can see the difference between Verizon and AT&T’s  wireless network extension.