Drone Station: Mac Control for AR.Drone [video]

Drone Station is a Mac OS X compatible application for remote control of the Parrot AR.Drone quadricopter over a Wi-Fi connection. Drone Station allows customers to use a variety of commonly available joysticks, gamepads, and controllers to control their drone.

With Drone Station you can record video and take pictures with a simple click of a joystick or keyboard button. The pictures and videos are automatically saved to your chosen folder on the hard drive.

Drone Station has been customized to allow for the use of external USB WiFi dongles so that you can get extreme range using an external antenna. You can get over three times the range of that from an iPad or iPhone.

Summary of features:

  • Compatible with AR.Drone firmware 1.5.1
  • Real time video recording from front and bottom AR.Drone cameras
  • Image capture from front and bottom AR.Drone cameras
  • Extended range by use of external USB Wi-Fi dongles and antennas
  • Animated configuration screen, allows you to see the effects of changes
  • Simple drone simulator control check lets you practice your controls before flight
  • On screen, animated attitude, altitude, directional, and battery gauges
  • Quick Reference Guide

List of Compatible Controllers:

  • Wired USB Xbox 360(TM) Controllers
  • Wired USB PS3(TM) Controllers
  • Logitech Extreme 3D Pro joystick
  • Thrustmaster T-Flight Hotas X
  • Logitech Dual Action Gamepad
  • Keyboard and Mouse
  • Wii(TM) Motion Controllers with Nunchuk and/or Balance Board

Dron Station is available for $9.99 in the Mac app store