iTunes 9.1.1 Brings Inter App File Sharing To iPhone OS 4.0

Yesterday we told you that Apple pushed iTunes 9.1.1 with minor updates. But those of you rocking OS 4.0 beta1 or beta2 you might have noticed that when you click on the “Apps” tab you get a new option: File Sharing. The function is showing just for iPad FW 3.2 and iPhone OS 4.0 and we can transfer files from our Mac/PC to the iPhone/iTouch/iPad and vice-versa.

At the moment the only app supported is , but even so, we can’t transfer any files. The function might be fully implemented with iPhone OS 4.0 beta 3. Probably at OS 4.0 launch, only stock apps will be supported, and along the way devs will have to update their apps in order to support the function.

Anyway, good news especially for those of you without WiFi access…