No , no, I didn’t take the red pill!Or did i? Up until this point i was craving for Nokia’s camera, and why not some android apps, or better said there functionality. But i never felt the need to say “OMG THIS IS AWESOME” about a cell phone since i got the iPhone.
Don’t think this is the first time im tempted by the “forbidden fruits of babylon”. When i saw the Zune HD, i said to myself that it is crushing the iTouch 3G. And yeah, you can boooo me now.
The HTC HD2 features a 4.3-inch, high-resolution display that delivers a cinematic experience. It also features multitouch and a 1GHz Snapdragon processor. For more info check out the official specs page. I dont want to influence your judgment with this article ( thats why i keep it short ), this is just a matter of taste, but here is a side by side comparison video of the HTC HD2 and iPhone 3Gs.
PS: How much do you hate me now , apple fan boys/girls?!?! If it makes you feel better, i dont like it that it runs on Windows either… and if i’ll buy this, it wont replace my iPhone as a primary cell phone. You can sleep once again. I will continue to feed Apple’s hunger for new fresh blood….