HowTo: Jailbreak Your iPhone/iPod Touch Using Blackra1n

The race is over and GeoHot crossed the finish line first. “Surprisingly” AppuloHa1l still asking for RT on twitter, and now they are trying to upload the files but they are blaming the “servers”. Anyway, Blackra1n is here, and its the fastest and easiest jailbreak you performed in your life.

Windows users , you should be so happy today, because blackra1n was released for Windows only at the moment. For Mac users this is not a problem at all, because we can run Windows in so many ways. Actually , this tool reminded me why i had VMware installed on my Mac.

Before we get started :

  • blackra1n is only a jailbreaking tool and will not hacktivate your iPhone. This means that if you are not on an official Apple approved carrier BlackRa1n cannot activate it.
  • if you have an  iTouch, BlackRa1n only supports a tethered jailbreak. This means that once jailbroken you should not let your battery die. If it does die you will need to reconnect it to the computer and use BlackRa1n to boot it.
  • With blackra1n you can jailbreak firmware 3.1 and 3.1.2
  • If you are using firmware 3.0 or 3.0.1 you should update or restore via iTunes to 3.1 or 3.1.2
  • If you are stuck at “running… ” …  After you perform the upgrade/restore, restart the iPhone and run blackra1n. Everything should work. you can also try changing the USB port.
  • if you are using Windows 7 , run blackra1n in compatibility “Windows Vista SP2” and run it as administrator.

NOTE: after trying for an hour and a half i confirm that blackra1n does not play well with the iPhone 3G. The tool is still a RC1 so, you probably want to wait before the next release or further info from GeoHot

ALSO READ: Bundles To Jailbreak iPhone 2G/3G Running Firmware 3.1.2 With PwnageTool On Mac

WARNING: Even though the GeoHot jailbreak supports 3.1.2 do not update if you are on iPhone OS 3.0.1 or 3.0. You will lose your unlock. Use PwnageTool to safely update to 3.1 without performing a baseband update. If you really must have 3.1.2 then wait for the next version of PwnageTool. If you have already updated to 3.1 or 3.1.2 without using PwnageTool then you’ve lost the ability to unlock for the time being. You can now use BlackRa1n to at least regain your jailbreak 🙂

How To Jailbreak all iDevices Using Blackra1n

What do you need:

  • blackra1n

How to do it:

Login as administrator , run blackra1n and connect your iPhone or iTouch. Click on “make it ra1n”

blackra1n will restart your iPhone/iTouch and put it into DFU mode

you will get a message telling you that jailbreak is done once the device reboots.

now you need to wait until the device reboots. you will see on your screen a picture of GeoHot

After reboot, you will see a new icon on your springboad called “blackra1n”. Tap on it to open it, and you will have the option to install Cydia, RockYourPhone and Icy. Select what you want to install and tap on install. After installation you can load blackra1n again and you can delete it from your device.

Now reboot your device and enjoy your iPhone/iTouch running on a jailbroken 3.1/3.1.2 firmware