3frames: Use Your iPhone To Create Animated Gifs Wherever You Go [video]

’360frames times infinity’ is a photo booth installation built on top of the 3frames website, an ongoing Eyebeam supported project by Aaron Meyers. Also available for the iPhone, the app allowing you to create animated gifs on the go.

The installation shown at the Eyebeam’s MIXER event includes 8 ps3eyes webcams that surround an enclosure in 360 degrees, generating bullet time-style animated gifs that are uploaded to 3frames. The installation is also accompanying projected visualization created in Cinder which displays more than 1000 of the most recent uploads to 3frames as an infinitely scrolling starfield, updating in realtime to reveal the latest uploads as they happen. See video below.

3frames for iPhone uses asihttprequest by all-seeing interactive,animatedgif by stijn spijker, rcswitch by robert chin, and twitter-oauth-iphone by ben gottlieb.

The app is available for $2.99 in the app store…

[via CA]