Windows 95 for iPhone: Direct Download Now, Soon Available In Cydia

A few days ago, FSMdotCOM showed you that Windows 95 was ported to the iPhone. Basically developers from iSoft , ported Windows 95 on the iPhone with the help of Bochs emulator and original win 95 image.

I just had a little chat with my friend Pavel from iSoft ( dudes that made QuickSMS,QucikBoard, iModem etc ) and he told me that Windows 95 will be available in Cydia soon ( on iSpazio repo ). Meanwhile he gave me a rapidshare link , for those of you that want to try sooner.

Now this is not something you would want to use everyday. Its basically an emulator , but you can show off to your windows mobile friends with it. The .deb file is about 37 megs and when installed is about 100 megs. Just so you know.

How to install .deb file:

  1. Read tutorial
  2. Lazy dude way: SSH and go to /var/root/Media/Cydia/AutoInstall . If “Autoinstall” is not there just create the folder. Copy the .deb file there and that just reboot AND respring your device.

NOTE: my guess is that all of you will choose the “lazy dude” install. If it’s not working, tuff luck, read the tutorial.