vWallpapers, one of the first tweaks available for iOS devices has been updated with iOS 5. Support. This tweak allows you to replace your static Springboard wallpaper with a video one. It comes with a small library of pre-defined videos, but you can download more, or create your own. Jump over the break to see how to install and use vWallpaper.
NOTE: this version of vWallpapers is still in beta
NOTE: it will suck life out of your battery
NOTE: you need to be jailbroken. If you are not jailbroken yet, check out our tutorials here…
How to get it:
1. Load Cydia
2. Go to Manage > Cydia > Sources > and add the following repo: http://deb.danstaface.net
3. Once the repo is added, you can install vWallpaper
4. Respring
Now, we don’t have any jailbroken iDevice running iOS 5 available at the moment, but we can only assume the new version of vWallpapers looks, feels and offers the same options as the previous versions. If that is the case, let’s see how to enable video wallpapers, video ringtones, and how to make and load your own videos.
How to enable video wallpapers:
1. Load vWallpaper
2. Tap on Video Wallpaper and turn ON ‘Enable video! ‘
3. Now, you can select an already downloaded video, download more videos, add new video repository ( if you know any ).
4. Once you chose the video you like, tap the home button. Your iPhone will respring and now you got a nice video wallpaper.
5. You can create your own video wallpaper and upload it to your iPhone ( we’ll show you how later )
How to enable video ringtones:
1. Load vWallpaper
2. Tap on Video Wallpaper and turn ON ‘Enable VideoRingtones ‘
3. Now, you can select an already downloaded video or download more videos.
4. Once you chose the video you like, tap the home button. Your iPhone will respring and now you got a nice video ringtone.
5. You can create your own video wallpaper and upload it to your iPhone ( we’ll show you how later )
How to use your own videos:
1. First of all you need a video file and a video editor
2. Choose a portion of that video ( around 30 seconds ) and export the video as .mov or .mp4. You will also need to export it for iPhone’s screen resolution. Some video editors allow you to export for iPhone. If the one you use, doesen’t have that option your video needs to be
- 320×480 px for iPhone 3G/3Gs
- 960×640 px for iPhone 4/4S
3. Once your video is exported, SSH into your iPhone and copy the video in /private/var/mobile/Media/Skrew/Videos/
4. Now load vWallpaper and set the video you just uploaded either as a wallpaper or as a ringtone ( or both )