TinyUmbrella Updated For iOS 4.3.2 ( GSM ) And iOS 4.2.7 ( CDMA )

Just a quick heads-up: TinyUmbrella is now updated to support 4.3.2 / 4.2.7 iOS versions. To save your SHSH via APPLE instead of CYDIA (the default) go into Advanced options and UNCHECK the box that clearly says: “Request SHSH From Cydia” then click ‘Apply Changes’ then select your device then click ‘Save SHSH’.

NOTE: it looks like Cydia is giving up the ghost and having some major issues. Notcom re-uploaded TinyUmbrella 4.30.05 for those of you that want to save 4.3.1 via APPLE. Hurry up and do so before 4.3.1 is no longer signed.

You can donwload TinyUmbrella for Mac and Windows from the official website…