Parabolic – A yt-dlp frontend app for Linux

If you’re using youtube-dl or yt-dlp and you’re finind download video and audio files via the terminal too cumbersome and time consuming, you might want to check out Parabolic.

Simply put, and basically this is why this article is so short, Parabolic is a basic yt-dlp frontend that supports downloading videos in multiple formats (mp4, webm, mp3, opus, flac, and wav ) and allows you to download metadata and video subtiltes. All while running multiple downloads at a time.

Being a yt-dlp frontend, the list of supported sites is basically the same list of sites that yt-dlp supports and you can find the list here.

Parabolic is free and open source and the project is available on GitHub. The app itself it’s available as either a Flatpak or Snap.

And if you’re running Arch Linux or any derivate, Parabolic is also available in the AUR.