MyOS: Safely Enable/Disable iOS Features

New day, new add-on in Cydia: MyOS. Easily enable and disable features on your device straight from without having to edit any .plist file.

Toggle one or more iOS features and then tap the ‘respring’ button. By default, only the default features for your platform are enabled as of version 1.0.1. With MyOS, you can enable/disbale these features:

  • Multitasking – gives you the option turn Apple’s native multitasking feature on and off at will
  • Homescreen Wallpapers – the ability to enable and disable Apple’s own implementation of backgrounds
  • Unified iPod – whether you like on your iPod Touch or having and on your iPhone, this gives you a choice
  • AppStore – don’t like what the official app store has to offer, or want to prevent people from using it? MyOS gives you the ability to tun off the app store app
  • HDR – enable HDR on unsupported devices or disable it from your iPhone4.
  • GameCenter ( iPhone 3G Only ) – enable GameCenter on iPhone 3G
  • – disable the camera on your device
  • Voice Control – disable voice control on all unsupported devices

MyOS is available for $0.99 in Cydia Store via BigBoss repo…