A week ago we showed you how to jailbreak an iPhone 3G running iOS 4.1, and today it’s time to see how to jailbreak an iPhone 3G running iOS 4.1 using the same method – unofficial PwnageTool bundle.
NOTE: this is an unofficial method, and we cannot confirm if this will preserve your baseband. Use it at your own risk…
NOTE: this works 100%, but if you really really depend on your iPhone ( jailbreak and/or unlock ) you better wait for an official release…
- PwnageTool
- iOS 4.1 bundle
- stock iOS 4.1 firmware for iPhone 3G
- iTunes 10
How To:
1. Download everything on your desktop and extract archives
2. Right click on PwnageTool.app and ‘Show Package Contents’
3. Browse to Contents>Resources>Firmware Bundles> and copy the iOS 4.1 bundle you downloaded ( extract it first )
4. Now close the window, load PwnageTool and create your custom firmware
5. Once you have the custom firmware , load iTunes and click alt+restore ( hold the alt/option key and click on restore )
6. Browse for the custom firmware, select it, and wait for your iPhone to be restored
7. That’s it. Now you have a jailbroken iPhone 3G running on iOS 4.1
8. Enjoy