New day, new app in Cydia: iBye. Have you ever wanted to make a backup of your data, but iTunes wasn’t around? Then iBye is the application for all your data needs. iBye will backup your data and store that data on a FTP server of your choosing. iBye will restore this data from the backup on that FTP server as well.
If you do not want to use a FTP server, then iBye will do a local backup and local restore on the iDevice itself. iBye has the functionality to remove all the data from the desired application of your choosing. If you feel removing all the data is not the way to go, then how about locking the deletion of data? iBye can also lock the deletion of data from happening.
iBye supports Notes, Mail, Calendar, Photos, Address Book, Safari, and the syslog. iBye’s FTP connection supports EDGE, 3G, and WiFi. Get iBye from Cydia for $2.99 via ModMyi repo…