HOW TO: Install nitoTV On Your Jailbroken AppleTV 2G [Mac]

A couple of days ago, we told you that nitoTV is the first 3rd party app for the new AppleTV 2G and today nitoTV tweeted a new repository from which you can grab the first GUI-based AppleTV2 app (technically a Lowtide plugin), which currently has weather and RSS functionality.

To install the app on your AppleTV follow the following steps:

  • Use PwnageTool to create a custom AppleTV firmware with OpenSSH and apt-get pre-installed, and use it to jailbreak your device ( tutorial here )
  • Once jailbroken , open Terminal and SSH into it ( ssh root@your-ip-address ). Type in the password ( alpine )
  • Type “passwd” and enter a new password (if you haven’t already)
  • Type: echo “deb ./” > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/awkwardtv.list
  • Type: apt-get update
  • Type: apt-get install com.nito.nitoTV
  • Type: killall Lowtide
  • After everything is done, unplug and plug it back in, wait for your AppleTV to reboot
  • Enjoy
[via macrumors]