iPhone 4S vs Canon 5d MKII Side by Side Comparison [video]

Here’s a “fair” test between the iPhone 4S and the Canon 5D MK II. All scenes are perfectly synced together so you can pause and scrutinize the frames!

Exposure, shutter speed, frame rate and picture style were matched as close as possible between the two cameras.  This test shows that the tiny F2.4 lens and sensor on the iPhone are pretty nice. It even got a little depth of field!

Here are the settings:

1. iPhone 4S

  • AE.AF locked. That’s all you have!

2. Canon 5D MKII

  • Canon 50mm 1.4
  • ISO 160 ~ 640 (varied per shot to match the iPhone)
  • F 7~22 (varied per shot to match the iPhone)
  • Shutter 1/60th
  • Auto WB
  • Standard Picture Style
  • 1080p 30