Over the time, we posted quite a few DIY projects, and today we found another one for you: a tree branch iPhone/iPod dock. It’s easy to make one at home. If you’ve got a drill, some sort of saw, and a spare iPhone USB cable, you can whip one up in an hour or two for absolutely free!
Materials and Tools
- Fallen tree limb, about 4″ in diameter, for the base
- Straight tree branch, 1″ in diameter, for the legs
- Smaller stick, 3/8 – 1/2″ in diameter, for the support (look for one with some character, but remains mostly straight)
- USB cable for your iPod or other smart phone
- saw – anything that can make crosscuts will do – pull saw, handsaw, hacksaw, miter box, etc
- ruler or measuring tape
- electric drill
- 13/64″ or 3/16″ drill bit
- small chisel, carving knife, or utility knife (or electric rotary tool)
- sandpaper
- yellow wood glue and glue gun
See the complete step-by-step instructions over at Chris’ ManMadely page.
[via unplggd]