HOW TO: Update Cydia To v1.1.4 On Non-A5 iDevices

With the much-awaited jailbreak for the iPhone 4S and iPad 2, Cydia was quietly updated to v1.1.4. While there is no official changelog, our speculation is that v1.1.4 was specifically tailored to run on A5 devices. So, why get it on the iPhone 4 for example? No reason whatsoever. There’s no real benefit of updating Cydia to v1.1.4 on an iPhone 4, as the new version is simply adding the iPhone 4S’s profile. The two versions ( v1.1.3 and v1.1.4 ) are otherwise identical as far as we can tell. If it would really benefit everybody, be sure that Saurik would’ve pushed it to all iOS devices automatically.

That said, if you really want to update, nobody’s going to stop you. We’re even going to show you how to do it (seriously though, its a waste of your time….right… just don’t blame us if you mess it up!)

NOTE: If you are on an iPhone 4S/iPad 2 you already have Cydia v1.1.4 

1. Download iFile via Cydia

2. From your iOS device tap onthis link to open it ( cydia v1.1.4 deb file )

3. Tap on ‘Download’ and then ‘Open in iFile’

4. Tap on ‘Installer’

5. Reboot your iPhone

6. Enjoy your brand new old Cydia

[thx Luca]