HOW TO: Get Your iPad SHSH Files

With the release of the iPad and the jailbreak right around the corner, its very important to get your SHSH files saved with Saurik’s servers to preserve the jailbreak-ability of this new device. This is very easy to accomplish using a tool called FirmwareUmbrella, available here. Its pretty much the same proceedure as getting it for the iPhone/iPod Touch, so not to much to write. Follow along.

You will need to get your devices ECID (follow this tutorial)

Basically just run your version of Firmware Umbrella ( Mac or Windows), enter your ECID, and choose Saurik – Cydia from the drop down, hit submit. Done, and breath easy.

Now just sit back, relax, and wait for the official jailbreak to be announced…we’ll keep you up to date.