RedSn0w 0.9 Out Of Beta: Supports All Devices And Includes IPCC Tethering Patch [ Mac and Windows ]

Earlier today we told you that the iPhone DevTeam is ready to release redsn0w 0.9 out of beta. They successfully tested it and now the tool is available for Mac and Windows ( soon PPC OSX and Linux )  and works with all iDevice.

What devices, platforms, and FW versions are supported?

This release supports:

  • All iPhones and iPod touches
  • Apple firmware 3.0 and 3.1.2
  • Windows and Mac OSX (x86)

It will also soon run on the PPC OSX, and Linux platforms.

If you need a carrier unlock, redsn0w will handle iPhone 2G by itself (by installing our BootNeuter utility). For the 3G and 3GS, use Cydia after you’re jailbroken to install ultrasn0w (baseband 04.26, preferred) or blacksn0w (baseband 05.11).

What if I have a late-model device?

If you have a late-model iPhone 3GS, or if you have an iPod touch 2G whose serial number begins with “MC”, or any iPod touch 3G, you can use redsn0w to jailbreak but you are currently restricted to “tethered” rebooting. That means you need to connect your device to a computer to complete the boot after a reset. Also, these devices cannot have custom logos.

redsn0w will ask you whether or not you fit in this category when used with the iPhone 3GS or iPod touch 2G+3G. If you have a late-model device and don’t give redsn0w the correct answer, you will likely need to do a system restore to recover from the mistake.

To do a tethered boot after your late-model device resets for some reason, either run redsn0w again and select “Just boot tethered right now”, or run blackra1n.

What if I’m already jailbroken?

If you’re already jailbroken (by whatever means), redsn0w can still be used to change your boot logos, revert back to the stock logos, or switch verbose booting on and off. By selecting “Already Pwned” you can bypass the steps normally needed to enter the jailbroken state.

What is the IPCC tethering hack?

It allows you to install cellphone Carrier Bundles that aren’t officially signed by Apple. This lets you, for instance, install a Carrier Bundle that allows you to use your iPhone as a way to connect your PC to the internet (through your 3G cell connection). See the 2nd topic on this page for more. This hack is always installed on 3G and 3GS phones by redsn0w (no selection is required).

Download Links

  • Mac OSX x86
  • Windows