Red Delicious provides the ultimate Delicious experience for the iPhone and iPod Touch with a snappy user interface, easy navigation, and optimized bookmark fetching from
- Quickly see your recently added bookmarks upon launching the app.
- Browse your bundles and tags.
- See the most popular bookmarks from the Delicious community.
- Can’t find a book mark by browsing your tags? We support searching by keyword!
- Delicious communication is done securely over SSL so your password and username is safe.
- View your bookmarks while not connected to the internet. A local copy is kept on the device and only the changes are fetched from Delicious.
- Internet activity is optimized to help save battery life and keep you data rates down.
- Support for device rotation. Makes reading those long bookmark titles a breeze!
When you first load the app you will be prompted with a minimalistic screen where you need to imput your delicious username and password. Login make take a while , depending on how many bookmarks do you have.
The app UI , is minimalistic as well but straight forward. As you can see in the pic attached above, you have 4 buttons that you can work with. First one is Recents , where you can find all the recent pages that you’ve bookmarked on delicious.
Bookmarks – Here you will find a folder with all the tags that you’ve assigned to the bookmarked pages.
Featured – This window provides you with the latest featured bookmarks on delicious.
Search – now this is helpful when you got tones and tones of bookmarks. Search your bookmarks.
Buy it from appstore for $1.99 here
Download .ipa file from sendspace or rapidshare