HOW TO: Use iPhone DevTeam’s CLI Jailbreak

Yesterday, the iPhone DevTeam has released a CLI ( command-line ) jailbreak that got most users confused. This is indeed a jailbreak, but it’s meant for advanced users, and also for debugging and tinkering. So, basically, it’s not for probably 95% of the users out there. If you still want to try it, jump over the break, where we show you the basics. You can take it away from there…

NOTE: make sure your device has no passcode enabled.

1. Download the CLI here and unzip it.

2. Plug in your device

3. Open terminal ( /Applications/Utilities/ )

4. You need to cd into the downloaded cinject folder. To do that, the easiest way is to type cd and drag and drop the folder into the terminal.

5. Type ./cinject -i *drag-n-drop the jailbreak.mobileconfig* ( found in /Desktop/cinject/payloads/ )

6. On your device you should see a provisional profile popping up and asking you to install. Do it.

7. Type sudo ./cinject -j payloads

8. Unplug your device, turn on VPN, wait for reboot. And enjoy…

NOTE: for more info read this…

NOTE: if you don’t know what you’re doing, don’t bother. Just use Absinthe.