Sergio Mcfly, dev of iPhoDroid, released a new version of the tool that allows us to install Android OS Froyo on our iPhone 2G/3G using a Windows machine.
- iPhoDroid R13k for iPhone 3G or iPhone 2G
- jailbroken iPhone with redsn0w ( not with JailbreakMe or Spirit )
How to:
1. Start iPhoDroid and connect your iPhone
2. Click on Shoot. Now pretty much everything is automated so just sit back and relax…
3. After a few seconds, iPhoDroid will detect your iPhone and extract the touchscreen driver
4. Few seconds later, the install process will begin…
5. After a few minutes, everything will be transferred and installed on your iPhone. Now start iPhoDroid again, and click on ‘Exit Recovery Mode’
6. Enjoy
NOTE: IF for some reason, on Windows 7 you will get a message like ‘Alpha expired’ or something like that, just set the date back one month, and re-start iPhoDroid