Apex 2 Is Now Available in Cydia [video]

Previewed a week ago, Apex 2 for iOS 7 is now available in Cydia. The update makes Apex compatible with iOS 7, although if you’re familiar with the tweak, that’s pretty much all to know about this update as the functionality remains the same for the most part.

If you’re not familiar with the tweak, you’ll love it. Once installed, if you swipe up or down on an app icon, you will reveal a space to group similar apps together. Think of it like a folder but much better. As you can see in the first ( left ) screenshot above, swiping on an icon will bring up some “+” button which will allow you to add new apps to the interface. Basically, instead of placing all your similar apps for example in a folder you stack them up on your home screen. When you want to browse any stack of apps and revel its icons, all you need to do is swipe up or down on the main app icon in the stack.

Apex 2 automagically detects apps that are similar to the one used to create a stack. But that doesn’t mean you’re limited to the ones Apex 2 recommends. You can add any installed app to your stack. 

If you want to remove an app from a stack, from the same interface just find the app you want to remove ( has a check mark on it ) and tap to uncheck it.

Apex 2 comes with its own preference pane in Settings.app from where you can configure the visual indicators to look the way you want them to, configure how you access your Apex 2 app stacks, configure how you access SpotLight, enable/disable exiting Apex 2 when you open an app, enable/disable aggregating the notification badge count, and enable/disable allowing the creating of new groups.

If you want to give it a try, Apex 2 is available in Cydia Store via BigBoss repo for $0.99 if you own the original Apex or $2.99 if you’re a new customer.
