Google Glass Will Expand Its Features Into Music [video]

To sell Glass, its augmented-reality form of eyewear, Google has already tried to make it a fashion accessory and a must-have video device for any parent or sky diver. Now it is also presenting this $1,500 piece of wearable technology as a way to interact with music.

Posted inVIDEO

HOW TO: Use Google Glass [video]

Today we have a brand new video from Google that shows/teaches you the basics of Google Glass. Learn about the touchpad, the timeline and how to share through Glass.

Posted inHOWTO

Saurik Gains Root Acces On Google Glass

Just two weeks ago we took a look at a first Google Glass ‘Explorer Edition’ unboxing , and today we receive a report that project Glass has already been jailbroken ( or better yet ‘rooted’ ). The person to gain root access is none other than Saurik, the godfather of iOS jailbreaking and creator of Cydia.


How Google Glass Works [infographic]

We showed you how it feels to wear Google Glass, how guys will use Google Glass and how St. Patrick’s Day looks like through Google Glass. But, have you ever wondered how exactly does Google Glass works?