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Search Results for: dock
HOW TO: Reset Your Mac Dock to Factory Settings
easy way to reset your Mac’s Dock to factory settings
HOW TO: Add a Stack With Recent Apps and Documents to Your Dock
easy way to add a stack of recent apps, documents, servers etc to your macOS dock
WatchStand: Check Out Griffin’s iPhone/Apple Watch Charging Dock [video]
Check Out Griffin’s iPhone/Apple Watch Charging Dock [video]
Check Out The Composure Apple Watch Charger Dock
A tabletop charger that comes with a steel undercarriage, a hidden internal wire track to keep all the MagSafe charger guts hidden, and a walnut top.
Parrot Unveils New AR.Drone 3.0 “Bebop” Drone and Skycontroller Joystick Control Dock for iPad [video]
Aerial video footage just got even more easier and fun with Parrot’s new ‘Beebop’, a 14MP fish-eye camera that has the ability to take video and pictures of the world in a 180° field.
Elgato Thunderbolt Docking Station: Connect Everything With One Cable [video]
Elgato has released today its own thunderbolt docking station that offers three USB 3.0 ports ( 2 in the back, 1 in the front ), two Thunderbolt ports to support pass-through, one HDMI port, one Ethernet port, one headphone jack and one microphone jack in front.
DockFlow Brings A Barrel Effect To Your iOS 7’s Dock [video]
DockFlow is a new Cydia tweak inspired by the popular tweak Barrel that brings a whole new experience to your dock.
Preview: BarrelDock [video]
A new Cydia tweak is being worked on that will allow you to enable a spinning barrel design for your iOS 7 dock.
The AeroBull Speaker/iPhone Dock
This might just be the awesomest speaker/iPhone dock yet
NudeAudio Studio 5 Sound Dock
NudeAudio’s first foray into the home looks just as effortlessly great as their line of Move portable speakers.
How To Bring iOS 6’s Reflective Glass Dock To iOS 7
If you don’t like the blurred and translucent dock on iOS 7 and you wish there was a way to bring the reflective glass dock, ClassicDock is exactly what you’re looking for.
‘PhoneSoap Charger’ Is An Universal Dock That Cleans Your Phone While It Charges It [video]
You charge your phone every day, but do you clean your phone as much? PhoneSoap Charger is the first and only cell phone charger that cleans and sanitizes your phone while it charges.