Already Missing RockApp? Get It Back And All Your Package Licenses…

As you know today’s RockApp update announced that the app is officially out of business. Some of you were happy to hear the news, and some of you, not so much. This is the case of one of our readers, Matthew McMahon, which found himself without a iBlacklist license today. Hear him out, and if you’re in the same position as he was, here’s what you have to do ( at least until Cydia gets updated… )

Well, the Cydia / Rock App merger seems to be moving full steam ahead.  In fact, if you “upgrade” your Rock App through Cydia, you’ll find that your Rock App has been completely gimped.  You can’t install apps anymore, download license… nothing.  It’s useless.  But this is old news; FSM has already reported this.

So with that said, do not update your Rock App through Cydia, particularly if you have purchased apps through Rock that are not included in the Cydia store.  I’m sure many of you assume that all licenses have been transferred, but this is not the case.  iBlacklist licenses are not available via Cydia, and thanks to the “upgraded” Rock App, people who purchased the app over there can no longer obtain a license for the product which they paid for.

At best, this is frustrating.

But there is hope!  Obviously the best solution would be for Saurik to quickly reach a distribution agreement with the iBlacklist developer.  This would enable previous users of Rock to download transferred licenses.

Since that might take time, I personally believe that Saurik should roll back the Rock App version to its previously functional state so that licenses and apps can continue to be downloaded – at least until a full and complete solution has been reached.

I’m doubtful that Saurik will roll back the Rock App version, so here’s a workaround for anyone who needs to download their iBlacklist license.

  • Using Cydia, uninstall the gimped Rock App (version 2.61.1)
  • Download Rock App 2.54.3 from
  • Copy the deb file to your iPhone via SSH or any other means.
  • Using SSH or a Terminal app, install the deb using the following command “dpkg –i RockApp_2.54.3.deb”

After a respring, you should now have an ungimped version of Rock installed.  When you launch the app, it will update the app – and this is fine.  For whatever reason, the Rock App itself will only update to version 2.60.1.

Now that you have a fully functional Rock App installed on your iPhone again, you can log back into your Rock account, and download iBlacklist again.  Rock will automatically download and install the missing license.

I hope this helps people who have run into licensing issues with iBlacklist.  But beyond that, I hope this brings light to this issue so that Saurik and the developer of iBlacklist can come to an agreement with transferring the licenses.