Apple’s App Store Submission Policy: A Marketing Perspective

ComboApp marketing agency, the Chicago based leader in mobile app promotion services, have sided with Apple in the wake of the Cupertino outfit’s recent announcement: “Any developers caught utilising deceptive marketing tactics to promote their products on the App Store risks being permanently banned from doing business there”.

While Apple’s statements have all but bought the fear of death to many mobile marketing providers, ComboApp sees the tech giant’s decision as an encouraging step forward for the industry as a whole rather than as a threat.

The agency believes this is drastic progress for the mobile industry as a whole, ensuring it’s integrity and longevity as an industry and encouraging fair business practices.

Apple’s announcement signals the start of a new era in the mobile marketplace. As we see it, their mindset brings the ideal of a fairly regulated App Store Marketplace that much closer to becoming a reality. Furthermore, it vindicates ComboApp and other ethically operating Mobile Marketing Agencies, who no longer have to face competition from dishonest marketers whose unethical ranking and review manipulation tactics have given them an unfair advantage within the marketplace. We view this is a great opportunity for ComboApp to showcase our methods, and help app developers better distinguish the validity of results attained via creativity and effective outreach over the instant success promised by deceptive marketing measures.

– Vadim Chernega, Co-Founder & CEO, ComboApp.

ComboApp admits that while it’s too early to see what lasting effects this move will have, they believe that whatever changes do happen will be productive.